Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hello Warld

I am Ty Carpenter. I enjoy dogs, guitar, and video games. I am a graphic design and computer science major.
I went to Brookfield Academy for High School where I focused on my art classes and recess. All though I never was incredible, I played basketball (it's my favorite sport, I like the way they dribble up and down the court). I enjoy comedy and laughing? I... I'll work on this later.

Java Penguin!

 This is a penguin I drew using ellipses, rectangles, and arcs in java!
If you're interested in the code behind it here it is!
fill (230, 250, 255);
rect(370, 170, 100,200);
ellipse (600,470,600,600);
fill (240, 265, 270); ellipse (600,375,230,230);
fill (30,30,35); ellipse (600,370,150,150);
                                //I made all the stroke changes
                                //into comments, just to see what it would look like
                                //with no outlines. I prefer it with them.
fill (250, 265, 265); ellipse (250, 250, 5,5);
ellipse (470, 200, 5,5);
ellipse (780, 60, 5,5);
ellipse (100, 30, 5,5);
ellipse (600, 380, 5,5);
ellipse (360, 300, 5,5);
ellipse (400, 20, 5,5);
ellipse (550, 150, 10,10);
ellipse (500, 100, 10,10);
ellipse (300, 20, 10,10);
ellipse (660, 370, 10,10);
ellipse (750, 260, 10,10);
ellipse (10, 240, 10,10);
ellipse (490, 320, 10,10);
ellipse (170, 280, 10,10);

fill (240, 255, 255); rect(0,370, 800,450);
//foot steps
stroke (800); fill (220,236,236); ellipse (590, 380, 30, 15);
 fill (220,236,236); ellipse (485, 385, 35, 20);
 fill (220,236,236); ellipse (500, 435, 45, 30);
 fill (220,236,236); ellipse (350, 420, 50, 35);
stroke (0); fill (0, 0, 70); ellipse (255, 470, 400, 55);
fill (235,190,0); ellipse (30,315,80,80); //left hand
fill (40,40,80); ellipse (140,235,120, 120);
ellipse (140, 315, 190,180);
fill (250,250,250); ellipse (120, 320, 120,115);
fill (250,205,0); ellipse (98, 430, 35,30);//left ankle
ellipse(70, 450,110,55); //left
fill (230, 185, 0); ellipse (185, 430, 45, 40);//right ankle
ellipse (210, 450,130,60); //right
ellipse (255,330,90,90); //right hand
fill (40,40,80); ellipse(130,100,125,115);
//left eye
fill (250,250,250);
ellipse(100,100,50,50);//eye left
fill (220, 220, 300); ellipse(100,110,16,36); //left eye iris
fill (0,0,0); ellipse(100,109,10,12);
fill (250,250,250); ellipse (95,100,9,9); //highlight left
//right eye
ellipse(150,100,60,60);//eye right
fill (220, 220, 300); ellipse(145,110,20,40);// right eye iris
fill (0,0,0); ellipse(145,108,10,12);
fill (250,250,250); ellipse(140,100,10,10); //highlight right
fill(250,205,0); ellipse(120,140,160,60);
arc(135, 135, 100,50, radians(10), radians(45));

fill (250,250,255); textAlign(CENTER); textSize(55);
text("Comfy Cosy",600,100);
fill (146,200,216); ellipse (650, 750, 600, 300); //drop off
fill (187,255,255); ellipse (670, 800, 600, 300); //water

//line (120,140,20,5);

//color of line is stroke