Friday, May 13, 2016

The final thing we wanted to do was to make Gumpter dance when told to do so! We used minim in processing and mapped his X and Y axis to certain volume levels to the song. When they reached these levels he would move to the right position (you can see him bobbing to the beat). He is working on being a better dancer but at least he has fun.

After a ton of trying to get voice recognition working, we did it! At first we had trouble getting the windows speech recognition working with our mic and processing (it would only spell words out for us "type H, type I, type SPACE, type G, type U... etc"). We ended up using micros which would enter a whole line of text when a specific sentence was said. Gumpter did great! Even if he messed up our handshake...

Gumpter: Motions

This is a work in progress! We added macros (speech to text) that you can type into a text box to get Gumpter to go through motions we programmed him to do. At this point he isn't voice activated yet so we are just running through a concept demo here. It's the main idea!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Gumpter: Final Proposal


          A rough mock-up of what our control panel could potentially look like for our final project. Our goal is to have Gumpter (our robot) to respond to voice commands that people can give through a microphone.
         Our goal is to have a sound wave move when voice commands are given. There will be an external mic used. To get speech commands to work, we will use speech-to-text function to write out the commands that will be programmed into Gumpter's code. 
         Along with voice commands, there will be certain keyboard functions that will also make Gumpter respond.

II.) Requirements:

    1.) Include ControlP5 objects such as buttons, sliders, knobs and/or text input fields
                     - Button used to show  command list.
    2.) Include mouse and keyboard interactivity (where appropriate)
                     - Using keyboard commands to give specific functions.
    3.) Optimize your robot to perform a specific function/task (through hardware, software or a combination thereof)
                     - Program different actions for Gumpter to perform when given verbal cues.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

GUI: Complete

Here is the finished GUI. The background color can be changed, the zombie can slide up and down, and the ghost's opacity can change. For some reason the gifs won't play out.

GUI: Gifs

These are the gifs I made to put into the sketch! Its a zombie and ghost. The ghost is a littel difficult to see on a white background... but trust me! It's not just floating eyes and a mouth!


Here is what we have for a barebones GUI. We plan on adding gifs that are interactive via the sliders and buttons!